Running react application locally

Steps required to run application in your system

Steps for running react application in your local machine

Before Starting

  • I have wsl2 installed in my system and I am using my Linux environment to run this application. I also advised developers to use
  • Linux environment as we will be going to use lot of command line stuff later.
  • You can also run it in eclipse or other code editor for demo purposes.

Software needed :
Node js
VS Code
Linux in WSL2

Sample Application

Let’s clone the sample application that we’ll be using in this module to our local development machine. Run the following commands in a terminal to clone the repo.

 $ cd /path/to/working/directory
 $ git clone
 $ cd React-ShoppingCart

Running application through windows

  • In your project directory, run npm install. It will install all the dependencies from package.json file.

  • Now run npm start, it will start your application on localhost:3000

    react Tab

Running application through linux

  • Go to your terminal and install node and npm using this command -
    sudo apt install npm
    This command will also install the nodejs.
  • In your project directory, run npm install. It will install all the dependencies from package.json file.
  • Now go to your project directory and run npm start. It will start your application in localhost:3000 react Tab

Last modified October 30, 2022: fixed react running step in linux env (6687f8a)