Deployment Frequency

Deployment frequency of an Application per Environment

The Deployment Frequency is a count of the number of times a Application is deployed to an Environment per month. Application Versions are grouped together using the Application Base Version. This grouping is equivalent to an Application.


In order for Ortelius to track the Deployment Frequency you must record when a deployment happens for an Application Version and to which Environment it happened for. The Ortelius CLI can be used to record the deployment. Using the CLI enables the Workflow tool, Jenkins, GitHub, or GitLab, to tell Ortelius when it performs a deployment.

Recording a Deployment with the Ortelius CLI

See Installing the CLI for CI/CD Setup instructions.

The CLI accepts a json file that defines the Application Version, Environment and deployment return code.
The Application Version is an existing application version that was created manually or earlier in your pipeline.
The Environment the environment, Dev, QA or Prod, that the Application Version was deployed to. The deployment return code is 0 for successful deployment or 1 for failed deployment.

deploy.json File

 "application": "GLOBAL.Online Store Company.Hipster Store.Test.Hipster Store;Labor Day Sale;1_2_10_2",
 "environment": "GLOBAL.Online Store Company.Hipster Store.qa3-windows",
 "rc": 0

Running the CLI

The following variables should be set at the beginning of your Pipeline.

Variable Value Description
DHURL URL to Ortelius Login The URL used to access Ortelius.
DHUSER UserID The ID used to log into Ortelius
DHPASS password The password used to log into Ortelius. This can encrypted based on the CI/CD solution.


export DHURL=
export DHUSER=Stella99
export DHPASS=password
dh deploy --deploydata deploy.json --logdeployment


In the Ortelius web UI, navigate to the Application list view. You will see that the Application Version has been deployed to Environment with a Deployment number. The Deployment number is generated by the CLI.

The Deployment Frequency report is accessible by selecting an Application Version in the list view, then menu item Reports -> Deployment Frequency.

Deployment Frequency

The data time the top and bottom graphs are the same but use different visualizations in order to under the the Deployment Frequency.
The graphs are interactive, so float-overs and clicking on the labels will highlight and filter the data.