Intro to Applications

An overview of applications and their versions, Metadata, and components.

Application Base Versions and Versions

Applications are a collection of Components that represent a single software solution delivered to end users. You define an Application by associating the Components it will consume. The first time you define an Application, it is referred to as the Application Base Version. When you change the Application Base Version, you create a new Application Version.

  • Application Base Version : Defines the software product in terms of Components, Attributes, and assigned Environments.

  • Application Version : This child of the Application Base Version represents the differences.

For instance, your Application Base Version may be called MyApp;1, subsequent versions would be automatically named MyApp;2, MyApp;3, etc. When a new Application Version is created from either an Application Base Version or another Application Version, it inherits all previous Components and Attributes from its predecessor. You can create a new Application Version from any previous version.

Applications and their Components

Applications are defined by the Components they consume. As with Applications, Components have versions. If a new Component is made available, Ortelius can be called by a continuous delivery tool to automatically create a new Application Version each time a new build is detected. For more information on this topic, see CI/CD Integrations.